Villa Art Deco Exterior Moscow

This is a two-floor building, rectangular in the plan, with manly facades, which are underlining the owner’s strength and high taste.

The house is located in one of the most greenery districts in Moscow.

8000 sq/m, residential are 2750sq/m
Completion Date:
[mn]medianet team

In the facades, solutions have implemented some approaches of modernism, which are equipped by elements of Ar-Deco. The facades implemented by light stones, dark roofs, and dark windows frames, which contrast gives a unique charm to the building.

two floor villa

Villa Art Deco Exterior

rectangular two floor villa

rectangular fully greenery villa

Each material has its own shadow. The shadow of stone is not the same as that of a brittle autumn leaf. The shadow penetrates the material and rafiates its message.               

Sverre Fehn (1924-2009)

villa designed balcony

villa balcony designs

villa architecture

medianet villa designs

villa design arc

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